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Anziano Gump :-) |
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Elder Lacey and Elder Thorn (buddies from Apple Valley) |
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Clay loves his name tag! |
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Anziano Lacey & Anziano Angel (who sings like an angel) |
Caro Mia Famiglia,
I loved reading your emails and DearElders. Thank you so much for them! Mail time is a great part of the day! This might be a bit of a boring email because it hasn't really been that eventful of a week. Time has flown by! It seems like yesterday since I was on here last writing to you and I can't think of anything to write! I have less than three weeks until I'm out of here. I am extremely excited, yet extremely nervous. I will miss my awesome teachers and the staff here at the MTC, but I can't wait to meet the people of Italy. On Monday I had the amazing opportunity to teach an older Italian woman the message of the Restoration. It was an amazing experience because it was 100% Italian and she barely knew English. She was so nice and sweet and I can't wait to meet more Italians!
Well let me clear some things up for poor Brookie. That letter from Anziano Scalese wasn't actually from him, it was from Anziano Hill. Anziano Hill wanted to play a joke on Anziano Scalese, and you were a victim, so I apologize! But you don't have to write them back, because Anziano Scalese is 20 and Hill is 19. It's weird. And again, sorry you were the victim of his prank. (And yes, Italians and Russians are huge rivals in everything from soccer to four-square).
Dad- I'm glad your conference is going good! And by the way, my shoes have 5 loop holes on each side since you wanted to know. I sent you a package in the mail on Monday so you should be getting it anytime. It has some pictures in it (the one in front of the map) and even a little surprise I think you will all like!
The language is going good! Some days get discouraging (especially when you forget simple things like the First Vision) but I just try to shrug off feelings of frustration. I keep beating myself up for not knowing enough, but my buddy Anziano Thomas keeps telling me that it's only been 6 weeks and I know this much, so that helps. I'm working on memorizing D&C 4 in Italian which is pretty long! My companionship is going great! There hasn't been a single problem for over 2 1/2 weeks, and we keep becoming closer and closer. The food is okay, sometimes awesome, sometimes not, and when it's not it messes me up (as you could imagine).
I'm glad you're having fun in Park City! I remember when we made that trip and it was so much fun! Make sure you be safe and no fair getting struck by lightening! I'm glad Morgan is enjoying the track camp! It's crazy to be so close to her. Whenever I go to gym outside I look to see if she is on a run around the MTC or something. And yes, Anziano Barker is awesome! It was funny, I pulled my first prank yesterday. I hid in his closet and acted like there was nobody in the dorms. So when he and Anziano Thomas came home Anziano Barker started to get ready for gym and when he opened his closet I was there and he screamed (manly scream of course)! It was the funniest thing ever! I missed scaring my sisters so he had to suffice! Plus, me and him wrestle a bunch (our knees are covered in rug burns) and it makes me miss wrestling Greg!
By the way, in a little over 22 months when I get back I might have to throw a water balloon or something at Heather for one simple line she put on her letter: "P.S. I do not mean to brag, but Harry Potter was great!" Never before did such words hit me as those did to me at this time. I'm just kidding though! I'm glad it was good Heather! :)
I have been blessed to be taught by nearly every Italian teacher in the MTC. Usually it's just two, but Fratello Bulloch got West Nile Virus and was sick for a few weeks (not fun) and awesome teachers like Fratello Auna from Hawaii and Fratello Silva who both served in Rome came and really helped me learn a lot from other perspectives. I am really glad Fratello Bulloch is back though because he gives some awesome lessons!
Today new Elders and Sisters going to Italy come in! I am so excited to welcome them in and to help them (because teaching helps you learn the subject better). Plus, we need more Italians to stand up against the Russians! They outnumber us! It is a love-hate relationship though because some Russians here are some of my great friends now.
Well, I'm doing great! I love my mission, I love the Spirit here at the MTC, but I really have to focus these last few weeks! Let me know when you get my package because I think you'll like it!
I love this church, and my testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown. I know for a fact that it is true. I love that Book, and I will always hold it dear to me. I wish I would have taken it more seriously before my mission. I have become nearer to God by reading it, and I know that it's converting power works for anyone. It's crazy how much things about missionary work you can find in it know that I am serving in the same work as some of the great missionaries of old, namely, Ammon, Alma, Amuleck, Samuel, and many others. Do me a favor and reread the introduction on the cover. I love it! I am going to buy one English copy, and one Italian copy to hand out on the arduous plane ride to the wonderful Italia. I can't wait to get out there and preach! I'll only have 22 months left! Not enough time!
Well family, I love you. I miss you so much! I love you Dad, I love you Mom, I love you Morgan, I love you Brooke, I love you Heather, and I love you Greg! You all are the best! Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. I'll get back on later today to write back! Love you, love you, love you! Send everyone my love! Hoorah for Israel!!!
Anziano Clay Lacey
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